Philipp Eden


Whether playing acoustically on (prepared) piano and objects, or using electronics, analogue synthesizers and found sounds ⎻ Philipp's solo work is informed by exploration, curiosity and playfulness. Drawing on the reflection of inner and outer processes as well as the physicality of sound and space in general and his instruments in particuliar, his music is highly personal; embracing chaos, silence, silliness, chance, harmony, fragility, dissonance, roughness...Always at the centre of his playing is the focus on the moment as a sea of possibility.


Formed in 2021, the trio explores the intensity of sound as a gesture in a solely acoustic context; a gesture informed by the awareness of space, physicality, dense listening and an allover ease. By letting their respective perceptions play a part in the common processing ground, they allow the music to stay open, overflowing and blurring their own lines in a rich opacity. Their music moves and evolves constantly, thus creating forms which can be described as an entanglement of layers; an archipelago, where the listener can rearrange with their own imagination.

Marina Tantanozi - flute
Frantz Loriot - viola
PE - piano, objects


Divr is a trio consisting of Philipp Eden (piano/synth/toys), Raphael Walser (bass) and Jonas Ruther (drums). Their practice is based on real-time composing, where the strengths and idiosyncrasies of each individual player are channeled and amplified in the process. In other words, their music is based around the exploration of sonic interdependencies, framed by the practice of mindfulness and deep listening. The group revels in the beauty of risk taking and human fallacy — in music and life. Their playing is multi-directional and always in accord with the specifics of space and temporality, which includes the specific frequency of an audience. Interfacing with Divr is like playing with liquid mercury. The substance morphs continuously; it can be fragmented, but it never loses its fundamental qualities. In this case, these qualities are a flowing and interweaving rhythmicism, Wong-Kar Wei-like moods of different shades and intensities; and the feeling that you, as a listener, are privy to a heartfelt conversation.

Jonas Ruther - drums
Raphael Walser - drouble bass
PE - piano/synth/toys


KFE steht u. A. für Folgendes:

Kommunismus für Einsteiger
Kreative Fokus Erweiterung
Knowledge from Experience
Kaffee für Enthusiast:innen
Können Fliegen Erröten
Klavier Feedbacker-Gitarre Ein Drummer
Keller Friedli Eden

Letztere spielen heute Musik, als ob es kein Gestern gäbe.

Beat Keller – Feedbacker Electric Guitar
Lionel Friedli – Drums
Philipp Eden – Piano


Joaquin Ortega & Philipp Eden

Joaquin Ortega and Philipp Eden met during their residencies at Cité des Arts in Paris. From their first musical encounter, there was a trust and an ease in their playing. Their music is flowing in an organic and playful way, implementing their interest in temporality, the physicality of body and space, as well as real time composition. Drawing on influences from noise, contemporary electronic music and ambient, their work can be described as sound sculpting, adding plasticity and tangibility to the musical experience. Always at the core is the focus on the listening and the practice of improvisation.

Gamut Kollektiv

Experiments in Sound and Space.
Breading Ground for Ideas, collaborations and creative processes.

teenage dream

der traum ist aus. es bleibt die wärme, die verworrene hoffnung und freundschaft. denn wenn einen die hormone im stich gelassen haben, bleibt nur noch eines: schalldruck. viel schalldruck.
wer die einzelnen mitglieder von teenage dream sind, ist unerheblich; sie spielen als eine band, ein klang: e-gitarre, e-bass und drums. frei improvisierte stücke und zerstückelte fragmente von wer weiss woher.
viel abstrakt-rhythmische eskapaden, viel verzerrung, viel freude an verschrobenen klängen und undurchsichtigen emotionalitäten.

Klara Germanier - guitar/effects
Miles Zuberbühler - bass/effects
PE - drums/electronics